
Archive for the ‘Scripts’ Category

19 Oct, 2004

gifs that execute a php script

Posted by: Jennifer In: Lessons learned|Script snippet

Problem: (somewhat in line with my last post) I needed to run a script in the "background", but I only had the ability to present the script as a .gif. Solution: actually, I came up with two ways of doing this and both use .htaccess to pull it off. 1) I'm a gif but really […]

Needed to write a javascript that would take the values of one select box – and copy it to all the other select boxes on the same page. I found this script which will take all the values from one set of fields – and copy it to another set of fields (kind of like […]

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I'm in the process of moving a few other blogs over to use WP – one of which makes calls to a seperate database unrelated to WP. This proved to cause a conflict. After many hours of trying to figure out where the specific conflict was – I narrowed it down to my mysql_select_db line. […]

10 Jun, 2004

Quick Tags for comments

Posted by: Jennifer In: Script snippet|WordPress

Since Alex released his js quick tags – it seemed like the perfect thing to add to the comments form so that people could put in the html tags more easily. However, while his script is really powerful – just for the comments form, it's more than what's needed. So I stripped it down to […]

08 Jun, 2004

Mozilla and IE decoder

Posted by: Jennifer In: Scripts

History: I had previously written this decoder, but it wasn't compatible with anything but IE. (A frustrating point since I've been using Firefox pretty religously). I saw that Mark had written one compatible with mozilla – but the only one there convereted EVERYTHING (making it difficult to go back an edit anything you decoded). I […]

02 Jun, 2004

Show/Hide Comments in WordPress

Posted by: Jennifer In: Scripts

Guest authored by
Mark Jaquith –

02 Jun, 2004

Random with MySQL

Posted by: Jennifer In: Script snippet

Guest Authored by
Michelle –

Just want to store a little javascript snippet. I needed to grey out the text in a text area depending on if a checkbox was checked or not. I'm sure there's a way to get the function to be flexible enough so that it can be passed the specific parameters of WHICH form, WHICH checkbox, […]

21 Apr, 2004

ASP: 404 handling

Posted by: Jennifer In: Scripts

I recently published a new site (in ASP), and took down the old pages. Some of them had been updated (with new page names) – others were simply going away. Just as I had done with PHP – I wanted a simple 404 page (in ASP) that would email me when people tried to hit […]

15 Apr, 2004

User Editable Comments

Posted by: Jennifer In: Scripts

Guest authored by
Mark Jaquith –

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  • Scott: Just moved changed the site URL as WP's installed in a subfolder. Cookie clearance worked for me. Thanks!
  • Stephen Lareau: Hi great blog thanks. Just thought I would add that it helps to put target = like this:1-800-555-1212 and
  • Cord Blomquist: Jennifer, you may want to check out, a new service my company just launched that converts TypePad and Movable Type export files into WordPre

