
03 May, 2007

No dotted line around linked images

Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks

Learn something new everday! I just added the following to the css for this site:
a {
outline: none;

Which will remove that little dotted line you get when you click on a linked image. I just learned that from Deziner Folio.

I got to that site because I recently installed the Sphere plugin for WordPress – (which I found out from reading Matt's blog) and Deziner Folio was one of the links that popped up from one of my css-related posts.

Incidentally, poking around there I also found a bunch of pre-made for-photoshop gradients and cool "badges" (starbursts, etc.) he was offering up free for the taking. As well as a really neat way to center a single div in the middle of the page using CSS.

5 Responses to "No dotted line around linked images"

1 | Robin

May 31st, 2007 at 4:48 am


Right, but now keyboard users have no way of knowing where they are in a page. And it doesn't work in IE. Oh well…

2 | Jennifer

May 31st, 2007 at 7:28 am


I can see it being an issue for those that are navigating websites with keyboard only – but it does work for me in IE on PC (both 6 and 7). Don't have a Mac so I can't test it there…

3 | Jennifer

May 31st, 2007 at 7:31 am


Or rather – I should say it works sometimes… Strange but sometimes I see it – sometimes I don't. No idea what causes it to be unpredictable… then again – who knows why IE does most of the things it does. Heh.

4 | Jennifer

May 31st, 2007 at 8:07 am


One more side note – in the comments section from Deziner Folio (where I got this from) someone posted a javascript that removes that dotted line supposedly for IE as well. However, I have to admit – that much code I'm not willing to add for a minor inconvenience but thought it was worth noting. (I have added a similar javascript, though, to sites that have flash embeded in them. That dotted line can really ruin the effect of a flash animation)

5 | _ck_

August 19th, 2007 at 7:03 am


Too bad it doesn't work in IE! :-(

I use something along the lines of onFocus="this.blur()" or something like that for the few locations that it's a problem.

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  • Scott: Just moved changed the site URL as WP's installed in a subfolder. Cookie clearance worked for me. Thanks!
  • Stephen Lareau: Hi great blog thanks. Just thought I would add that it helps to put target = like this:1-800-555-1212 and
  • Cord Blomquist: Jennifer, you may want to check out, a new service my company just launched that converts TypePad and Movable Type export files into WordPre

