
07 Oct, 2004

Restrict Access based on User Level on a per-post basis

Posted by: Jennifer In: WordPress Bookmarks to Plugins

Christine was asking about this, and I pointed her to this post – which points to this post. But looking through the comments, apparently there's a simple plugin which will do the trick:

ViewLevel Plugin for WordPress 1.2

2 Responses to "Restrict Access based on User Level on a per-post basis"

1 | Carla

October 7th, 2004 at 12:53 pm


I use Skippy's user level hack on one of my blogs and I am REALLY happy with it. I tried the plugin but I couldn't get it to work. :( The user level hack is amazing. Why MT doesn't have something like it, I don't know….

2 | skippy

October 7th, 2004 at 1:06 pm


As the author of the mod, I'd like to point out the fundamental difference between the plugin and my mod.

The plugin filters posts to display after they've been pulled from the database, whereas my mod changes the SQL query to prevent restricted posts from even being returned by the database. I've always been told to pull from the database only what you're going to use, so I wrote my mod to make sure that only the posts that the reader ought to see are ever pulled.

The difference is subtle, and probably even negligent for most people. But for a very busy site, or a site with a lot of restricted posts, (and possibly for a site running on less powerful hardware) my mod should provide better long-term performance.

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  • Scott: Just moved changed the site URL as WP's installed in a subfolder. Cookie clearance worked for me. Thanks!
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  • Cord Blomquist: Jennifer, you may want to check out, a new service my company just launched that converts TypePad and Movable Type export files into WordPre

