
30 Mar, 2004

CSS Crib Sheet

Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks

I have trouble with CSS (cascading style sheets) all of the time. I would love to be an expert, but I haven't gotten there yet. When in doubt, find the experts and hang onto every word they say.

I have found one CSS article that I refer to often: Mezzoblue's CSS Crib Sheet. Don't forget to read the comments for further insight!

1 Response to "CSS Crib Sheet"

1 | Christopher

April 8th, 2004 at 4:17 pm


A long time ago I went to the effort to learn as much CSS as I could. In fact, I spent about four days hunting for documentation on it during its infancy, only to much later come apon a very mainstream article that started me off wonderfully. There are quite a few useful bits strewn in among the beginners stuff in these articles, even for the professional that uses CSS a lot.

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