
16 Mar, 2004

tag board / shout box

Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks

Another late bloomer to this "craze". Actually, (IMHO) it's kind of annoying to have tag boards directly ON YOUR MAIN SITE (slows load time, ones that referesh the page specifically make me crazy) – but I can see the value of it if it's on a link OFF your main page (kinda the way Jenni has hers set up – this, by the way is imitate Jenni week) 😉 I used to have that "hi script" running on my site – but I think a tag-board would work better perhaps…

In any case, I went looking for options for tag boards

There is, of course tag-board (They have a free, "feature-free" version. A more useful version is $20/year.)

There is also apparently a PHP tagboard (lives on your site – I always like that option)

Here's another And yet another: shoutbox

And a whole bunch more here at the php resource index.

Decisions, decisions. If you have or had one – who did you use? what did you think of the one you chose?

16 Responses to "tag board / shout box"

1 | Al-Muhajabah

March 16th, 2004 at 3:20 pm


I used one from but got tired of clearing spam out of it so I got rid of it.

2 | jenett

March 16th, 2004 at 4:09 pm


tag-board (from launches pop-under ads on many of its users' sites so anyone concerned about that may want to consider one of the alternatives

3 | Lisa

March 16th, 2004 at 4:40 pm


I use the webfroot one linked above, it's on my main site. I haven't noticed any speed issues with it unless, of course, my main site is going slow. It has a password protected admin so editing/deleting shouts is easy. It's php/mysql which is fantastic, imo. You can skin it and it comes with some default skins. I did rename it from the default names to avoid spam, and thusly haven't gotten any… =)

It also has a really nice feature of letting the poster delete their shout within 5 hours (default, its a settable variable) so if someone messes up, they can fix it. I love that.

No auto refreshes of the page, although in the next version (if it ever comes out) I think it's meant to just refresh the shoutbox (not the whole page) on a new post which I think is pretty nifty… =)

Only advertisement is in the help popup, nice and discreet. Has optional smilies too.

Definitely worth checking that one out. =)

4 | kellybelly

March 16th, 2004 at 8:49 pm


I use something called shoutchat.

– There's no fancy admin interface, so any post deletions/edits need to be done via PHPMyAdmin or similar.

– I had to go into the code to fix a few minor problems, mainly the autolinking in the body wasn't rendering certain characters correctly and therefore breaking the link.

– Support for it is kind of … iffy.

– The refresh feature. A lot of the other scripts have META-refreshes, which (IMHO) can eat up bandwidth if it's left open for an extended period of time and if you have a decent amount of smilies.

– Nice archiving.

– Has some IRC features (though I haven't played around with 'em).

On my site, it's currently being used only as a private (two-person) mini-chat, so refreshing on a new post is kind of important. There also aren't many instances where it's necessary to go in through PHPMyAdmin and delete posts.

All this said … it may not be ideal for a well-visited site where a bunch of spam/junk could get posted, as it's a tad bit cumbersome to delete them. I've briefly used the webfroot one in the past; it was fairly simple, and the only reason I gave up on it was the refresh thing. I really don't like META-refreshes. At least for how I'm using this.

5 | Morgan Chiu

March 16th, 2004 at 10:23 pm


Also check out the scripts at

search results of "tag board"

search results of "shoutbox"

6 | Kolby K.

March 18th, 2004 at 7:27 pm


I got my tagboard from It's a php based tagboard with profanity filter and flood protection. It's always worked for me. One thing I don't like is that when you click on someone's name it shows the ip to everyone, but that could easily be changed. Documentation is on their website.

7 | Mike R.

March 19th, 2004 at 10:36 pm


I created my own using PHP/MySQL. The benefit is a faster load time than off-site ones and full customization and administration.

The TagBoard one I used to use slowed page load times by 1.9 seconds. Mine is on every page thanks to a PHP include and it only slows my page down an average of 0.3 seconds.

8 | Ananna

March 23rd, 2004 at 4:40 pm


I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

I was sending you a trackback, but I used the "Post to MT Weblog" Handi-dandi-link and somehow it got a different trackback number for a different post of yours and I copy and pasted the trackback for this post and then deleted the wrong trackback, but it insisted on pinging both of the trackbacks! I'm so sorry, I don't mean to spam you, really, you'd be the last person I would spam and I wouldn't spam anyone, so that pretty much means I would never spam you even if someone gave me a lot of money and believe you me, I *really* need money.

I really appreciate all the help you give out and I wanted to send you a trackback and link to your site because it was here that I got the information about the Tag Board that I just put on my site and I am really grateful that you share information.

Oh, I've made a mess of things, what a rotten first impression I've made. Please accept my apology? Pretty please?

9 | Jennifer

March 23rd, 2004 at 9:12 pm


LOL! Ananna – don't worry. People have done worse things than over-trackbacked. 😉 It's an easy fix. :)

10 | Ananna

March 24th, 2004 at 2:38 am


Thank you for understanding. I promise to be more careful when using my "Post to MT Weblog" thingy. Who knew something so little could cause so much anxiety for me? I'm glad that it didn't cause you any anxiety and that it is not too much work for you to remove the offending trackback.

Of course, I'll prolly go read that post that you made and want to trackback that one too, cause it's prolly brilliant information too. But I try to make only one major messup on my weblog once a day and so far I've been doing pretty well.

Thank you again for understanding. :)

11 | Kolby K.

March 27th, 2004 at 9:30 pm


Could you use the same basic setup of a movable type guestbook but just iframe it into the page?

12 | Jennifer

March 27th, 2004 at 9:35 pm


Not a bad idea. The only thing that I would miss (that most of the tagboards have) is the automatic refresh. That way it's almost like a "chat room".

13 | Kolby K.

March 28th, 2004 at 1:17 pm


Could you use a meta tag refresh code on the guestbook page you iframe in to work for that?

14 | Jennifer

March 28th, 2004 at 2:03 pm


Some of the tagboards use the meta-refresh tag… others have it built into the script somehow (again, much like how a "chat room" works) – not completely sure how they work. (Haven't taken them apart to find out). I'm thinking the meta-refresh would eat up bandwidth…(??) but I can't say I'm an expert on how that works.

15 | Hanna Can't Tell Reality From Fantasy

March 23rd, 2004 at 4:34 pm


Tag Board: Comments for the Rest of Us
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16 | Code Novice

April 8th, 2004 at 12:46 am


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