
12 Aug, 2003

"Hi" Script

Posted by: Jennifer In: Scripts

New script for you! This one will allow you to put a form on your site that takes short "comments" from your readers not neccessarily related to any specific post. You can also display the last 10(or any number) "hi"s left behind. The idea behind this script was based on my own actions – Many times I visit a site, but don't have anything specific to add to any of the posts but I still want to let the author know I've stopped by. Or maybe I just want to say "Cool site! :)" Here's hoping those people install this script so I can actually do that now. 😉

There's also an admin screen provided so you can go in and easily delete any "hi"s you don't want showing up on your site.

Requirements: You need php running on your site, and have access to a mySQL database. (The script only uses/creates one table – so you don't need to put it in a seperate database onto itself, although you could if you had database access to spare).

Instructions are provided in the .zip.

Version: .01

Download script here.

(side note: if you install this script, may I recommend that you create an additional page that just has the "hi" form on it, and include a link to that page from your RSS feed (if you have one) so that users can just click on that link when reading you from a RSS news reader. I've done this on my personal journal. After indicating how many trackbacks or comments there are on the site, I just added a link to the form.)

34 Responses to ""Hi" Script"

1 | thatbradguy

August 13th, 2003 at 12:21 am


great script. didn't we used to call this a guestbook? :)

2 | Jennifer

August 13th, 2003 at 6:41 am


It is kind of like a guest book. Same basic idea. I guess the main difference here is that if you don't know what to say, you can just click off one of four "pre-set" "hi"s (like "=waves=" or "=wink"). The main goal here being to keep them short/sweet. Also – I'm not sure what the display options are on a guest book – whether you can list the last few on your page.

FYI – the "hi" form is easily editable – you could always change the text "=wink=" to just be smilies…

3 | Becky

August 13th, 2003 at 9:00 am


I'm not sure what the problem is or if it's on my end, but every time I try to download the script I get the following error message…

" could not be found. Please check the name and try again."

I have gotten this at home and at work. I don't understand why since I can get to the site itself, I just can't download the script. Is this a problem on my end? I'd really like to download this script.

4 | Doc

August 13th, 2003 at 10:04 am


I have the same problem. Its as though the file doesn't exist on the server.

5 | Doc

August 13th, 2003 at 10:06 am


AHA! he link only has 1 D in scriptygoddess!

6 | Doc

August 13th, 2003 at 10:07 am


Sorry for filling up the comments. I hit the post by accident. Just combine or delete these.. :)

Here's the llink until the good one gets fixed:

7 | Jennifer

August 13th, 2003 at 10:08 am


DUH! Sorry about that! Link should be fixed now. (Note to self: don't release scripts only a few hours of sleep) 😉

8 | Jennifer

August 13th, 2003 at 10:10 am


Yawn… I meant… "ON ONLY a few hours of sleep"… LOL!

9 | Donna

August 13th, 2003 at 11:28 am


Jenn, this is so cute, I can't get over it – plus I've solved the mystery for myself of wheter or not it mucks up an existing database to add a table (of course not, but I didn't know that).

I installed with no problem, but a wrinkle came up – I've pasted the includes in the right places (top and sidebar) and I get some nonsense characters appearing with the file names in the spots where the includes are, even though things are working – why would this be? Since the names were copied out of a Notepad file, I'd assume it's not that (weird Word formatting, I mean). I used web FTP to upload the files and didn't specify a format – if they were accidentally uploaded as binary, wouldn't they not work at all?

Thanks for any help – :)

10 | Jennifer

August 13th, 2003 at 2:15 pm


Ok – just updated the script with one problem that we found. In the config file – the very last line – was missing a ";".

If you've already downloaded the script – just add it in.

11 | Christine

August 13th, 2003 at 5:23 pm


Oh! I can't wait to add this this weekend! (Just so you can say "Hi!" whenever you want…) =smile= Thanks!

12 | dainec

August 17th, 2003 at 10:03 pm


I got the script working, and I love it. Thank you! Now… my only problem is that the time stamp is about 6 hours off. Any ideas why that happens? My MT blog time stamp works fine. Is there something I need to do?

13 | Jennifer

August 17th, 2003 at 10:06 pm


=sigh= Yeah – it's based on the timestamp of the server… It's fixable – let me see what I can do…

14 | Jennifer

August 17th, 2003 at 10:27 pm


Ok – just tested and updated the zip.

If you've already downloaded the script and it's working fine for you – no need to do anything.

If you need to upgrade, the changed files are the config file and display list. Transfer your edits to the new config file, there's one new variable to define, then upload that and the new display list file.

15 | dainec

August 20th, 2003 at 10:27 am


Have I mentioned lately that you're a supergenius?

Thank you for making the fix so quickly! The funny thing is that my timestamp was off by 5 hours and 25 minutes… I used -5.584 for the setting, and it worked fine. But it made me wonder where the heck my server is located. I thought time zones were by the hour. (Maybe the server is in the bottom of the ocean or something.) :-)

16 | sarah

October 7th, 2003 at 12:38 am


When I first installed this script, I added in a extra "Hi!" options and a smilies. So, it might have been me, but I just noticed that when someone checked off two of the Hi's or smilies as the shortcomment, the display was completely munged. So, I just changed those checkboxes to be radio buttons, and that fixed it up, such that only one could be chosen. :)

17 | sam

October 25th, 2003 at 12:22 am


What this really needs is the ability to remember your name/email/url if you choose. Perhaps it could even use the cookies that MT bakes by default? That would be sex-a-rific. In fact, I might write that little feature myself, if I can find some time over the next few day with halloween parties and stuff… I'll submit any patches I create. 😀 Great idea for a script, I've always felt that a little 'general' comments script that is nice and compact, and fits nicely with MT and other blogging engines was warranted.

18 | sam

October 25th, 2003 at 12:28 am


Wait, maybe I'm an idiot, does it already remember from the cookies MT leaves? I'm confused..

19 | sam

October 25th, 2003 at 2:24 am


Sorry, my bad, I see now that a quick user modification (described in the instructions file, of all places) does what I want. Sorry for not RTFM. 😛

20 | Kay

January 12th, 2004 at 6:53 pm


Hi there, I've been racking my brains out trying to sort this out and for some reason it's not working for me. I know it's me since I have no experience with php and mysql. My sevice provided is pretty good so they've got all these phpadmin boads set up so I haven't screwed up there.

For some reason the localhost isn't being accessed. And the password comes out as 'YES' even though that's not what I typed in.

Am I missing something fundamental? I mean in the script the password structure seems to be different, i.e rather than DATABASE_PASSWORD it's DATABASEPASSWORD.

21 | Guy Smiley

January 23rd, 2004 at 3:03 pm


I've been trying to add a "remember me" cookie feature into a flatfile shoutbox I'm coding for a long time now, but just cannot seem to get it to work (I don't use MT).

Please consider adding code for this to your site, or a tutorial.

22 | Marie

June 1st, 2004 at 3:28 pm


I've implimented this script on my site, & so far everything is going wonderfully.

However, I'm getting the following error where I have the include to the displaylist.php file, & I've no idea why :

mysql_num_rows (): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource

Any idea what could be causing this?

23 | Sea 'Doc'.net

August 13th, 2003 at 7:13 pm


New Widget!
Yes, I have added yet another widget to play with. 😆 This one courtesy of Jennifer from Scriptygoddess. She calls it the "Hi" Script. Its like a custom tagboard. You can find it on the right side under "Leave a Note." Its just a quick way to say "H…

24 | forty.something

August 13th, 2003 at 10:55 pm


Just Say Hi
I've been playing around all night with the cool new Scriptygoddess "Hi Script". Now you don't have to think of…

25 | My Perky World

August 17th, 2003 at 10:49 pm


well, hello there!
Thanks to Jennifer of ScriptyGoddess and with some help from another Jen, visitors to this site can leave a quick hello. Now there's no excuse not to introduce yourself, even if you have nothing particularly profound to say! The link…

26 | forty.something

August 18th, 2003 at 10:48 pm


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27 | This Chick

September 3rd, 2003 at 1:39 am


Say Hello!
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28 | highly moody

September 14th, 2003 at 1:09 pm


So, you got something to say, but just don't know where to say it. Or maybe you don't really know what to say. Well, thanks to Scriptygoddess, it's now possible. You can find my "hi"…

29 | Bloggie Broad

September 15th, 2003 at 4:55 pm


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30 | Computer Toaster

September 26th, 2003 at 3:09 pm


Setting up a Tag Board
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31 | Confetti Falling

October 22nd, 2003 at 6:53 pm

I've put Jennifer's 'Hi' script back on my site. I followed another Jennifer's lead in formatting the link to the script – at the bottom of every entry, you may comment on the entry or just say hi….

32 | Andrew's Blog

October 24th, 2003 at 11:28 pm


\"Hi\" Script Installed
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33 | Bloggie Broad

March 1st, 2004 at 6:41 pm


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34 | Glimpse of a Grrl

March 11th, 2004 at 8:32 pm


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  • Scott: Just moved changed the site URL as WP's installed in a subfolder. Cookie clearance worked for me. Thanks!
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