
05 May, 2003

Change in format on Scriptygoddess

Posted by: Jennifer In: Announcements

Despite it's win of a bloggie in March, I've had the de-fib paddles out on Scriptygoddess for some time. But blogging is not my full-time job, and I can't do this alone. I've added several authors, but many of them have become involved with other sites, other projects, or just their own life in general. I don't blame them, but what still remains is a project I put a lot of effort and love into that is dying a slow painful death (even if it is only visible from this side, at the moment).

Despite my desire to want it to be more, it was not the original intention of scriptygoddess. The original intention was for it to be my personal journal/notebook of things I learned, scripts I wrote as I learned more about scripting – specifically PHP.

Things change – focuses shift – as have mine. Because of my job, I will need to be focusing on ASP scripts (and no, not .NET – don't get me started – we're still supporting NS 4.7 – I can't even use CSS. Until today, I had been running Win98, so you can imagine, they're not upgrading their servers to support .NET anytime soon!!) So what I'll be posting about are ASP script snippets. Not much use for the blog-world.

Trying to run a mutli-author blog is a complicated job – one, that I can't say I've enjoyed. I like scripting – that's what's fun to me.

My first thought was, rather than let this blog dwindle down to nothingness, or something "not worthy" of blog interest, I could take it down completely. Revert it back to it's original intention – Have it be by me, for me, and only visible to me – and only me. (me me me!) 😉

I've been using this site to "give back" to the blogging community – but aside from a few very generous people who have "tipped" – what have I gotten in return? Why exactly am I doing this? And for the emotional toll of trying to make this blog be what I thought was it's potential, to what end?

I posted my emotional issues on the subject on my own blog, and discussed the matter at great length over the phone with Christine (also a scriptygoddess and a good friend). Many of you have emailed me as well. And I've listened…

I'm going to change the format around Scriptygoddess, but I won't take it down. At least not right now. Not unless things improve. I'm leaving it up for the only reason that YOU have told me you find it valuable. But if you want it to stay alive – it needs you. I'm hereby appointing all of you official scriptygoddesses!

Here's the new format (and this will be implemented over the next week):
– Scriptygoddess will be moderated by Christine and myself.
– I will continue on as I planned and post my useless ASP drivel.
– Christine will continue to post her linky-goodness.
Now here's the important part.
– The main heart and sole of scriptygoddess will be from guest authors. (YOU!) I'm going to create an email box to which you can send your suggestions for posts on scriptygoddess. Christine and I will both check that mailbox and act as "copyeditors" for your posts. In return you will get a byline for your post and a link back to your blog if you so desire.

Now, I would just like to say one thing. Some of you have put me and scriptygoddes on some sort of a pedestal. I've heard some of you say something along the lines of "well, someday I'll have something good enough to suggest on scriptygoddess". Fact of the matter is we're all still learning this! There are simple php things I learned a full year ago that I cannot remember for the life of me and have to look up everytime I do them. So PLEASE do not feel intimidated. If you have a post that you find useful – more than likely, there are other people who will find it useful as well. So send it on.

That being said, I won't go so far as to guarantee that everything submitted will be appear on scriptygoddess. But I WILL guarantee that no one will be ridiculed and no one should feel afraid to send a post.

This week I will create a more detailed FAQ type page for submitting posts.

So that's the story. You want Scriptygoddess to stay alive? You need to get involved.

19 Responses to "Change in format on Scriptygoddess"

1 | Melissa

May 5th, 2003 at 10:26 pm


Count me in. I'm there. :)

2 | lor

May 6th, 2003 at 1:02 pm


i visit often, but rarely comment.
anyway, my question: i know this is a source for us bloggers to add cool stuff to our blogs and such – so mostly PHP and MT stuff, but would you be interested in anything relating to ActionScript? i doubt i have much to offer in other areas, but i may have something to offer in ActionScript

3 | Jennifer

May 6th, 2003 at 1:12 pm


As I said, I'll be putting up an FAQ that will explain what I would and wouldn't be interested in posting – but actionscript would be GREAT! Pretty much anything geeky/web designy. The rules are loose and flexible. 😀

4 | sean

May 6th, 2003 at 2:36 pm


I just wanted to thank you for the richness and depth in this site. I've just started messing with php in large part to what I've seen on this site. I think you've helped more people than you could possibly know.

Many thanks, from more than just myself.

5 | robyn

May 6th, 2003 at 2:49 pm


I'm glad to hear you're both going to continue with it. I've always found it a very valuable resource, and refer here countless times when people e-mail me with questions.

I do understand the need to move on and to change, but I look forward to seeing what develops. Thanks for all the hard work thus far.

6 | Tracey

May 6th, 2003 at 7:17 pm


I've spent many hours wandering around here as well, even though I'm not really a commenter. When I want to know what's going on in the blogging world, I come straight over. I would hate to see the site disappear, but I understand how difficult it must be to keep it going, especially when your focus has changed.

I think the new format will be great! I certainly hope it works out.

7 | Zuly

May 6th, 2003 at 7:18 pm


I'm happy, too, that you'll be continuing, since I frequently reference this site when I'm seeking inspiration or stuck on something. Now I'll be further inspired to (perhaps) contribute.

Thanks to everyone at ScriptyGoddess for making it such a great site, and here's to the next phase!

8 | Daynah

May 6th, 2003 at 8:26 pm


I don't think your ASP stuff would be useless at all. There are some ASP bloggers too. :)

Thank you for all the hard work you put into this site. I'm very surprised to see how often it's updated with so many goodies. You've done a great job and I'm sure a lot of us will be around to see what's next for ScriptyGoddess.

I'd be happy to help out wherever I can. It feels good to be an honorary ScriptyGoddess! ^_^

9 | Nobody

May 6th, 2003 at 10:03 pm


Hiya. First time commenter, long time lurker.

I've loved coming here frequently to soak up the PHP and MT goodness, and even if that slowly slides away I want to thank you (everyone) for sharing all those related tips. But I hope at least the archives stay available, and maybe as I continue returning for those somehow you'll turn on some trigger in my brain to help me start learning those other scripty things you love. :]

Thanks again for all you've shared.

10 | eve

May 6th, 2003 at 10:50 pm


I just wanted to say thank you! I've learned so much from this site not only to help my blog but also to help me grow in my job! I love everything you do here! Thank you thank you thank you (can't say it enough!!)

11 | Ingrid

May 7th, 2003 at 5:25 am


I am an asp blogger, and have been that for a long time. Actually all users are asp bloggers, and the number og them are growing.

I have been reading your site for some time know, but look forward to see what happens when you change to asp related stuff. I will try to contribute once in a while.

12 | Sara

May 7th, 2003 at 6:41 am


I have taken down my tutorials for the time being, but I have them on a cd…I would love to submit some of them for b2 as I think that it would help someone that is going through the "head pounding on the brick wall" phase we have all been through. I would submit my MT things, but since I don't use the program any longer I have a feeling everything is outdated. :)

I'm glad you are keeping the site up Jennifer and Christine as it helped me figure things out and get into coding.

13 | Jay Sheth

May 7th, 2003 at 9:44 am



I just wanted to say that I have stopped by your site very often before, and have often found the snippets of code you present very useful.

I think a site is only as useful as its content – and your site has great content!

I think the decision to open up your blog to visitor contributions is a good one.
I could contribute some good code snippets on CSS, such as : old-style table design with new-style CSS, or "a simple three column layout" or a variation on "taming lists with CSS" which ran on

I will wait for your FAQ in order to judge how detailed you want your submissions to be.

Thanks again for the great site and tips.

– Jay

14 | Tricia

May 7th, 2003 at 1:07 pm


I don't comment here too much either, but I find myself constantly checking this site for tips, tricks, or just new things in general. I don't think I ever would have tried php if it weren't for this site. I think the new format is a good thing, and even though everyone hates to see something they enjoy change, I think this change may even be for the better. I would love to try submitting a thing or two, and hey, if you guys ever need an assistant editor, feel free to look me up, I'd be honored to help out if needed. :)

15 | Intruder

May 7th, 2003 at 9:56 pm


I dont know much, but I could help!

16 | Billthemarmet

May 9th, 2003 at 3:32 am


Yes, please keep on keepin on. I am just learning PHP myself. I am also feeling a little disparate im my own blog, and I just started a few months ago!But I still feel this is a relatively new "Art". So we are all participating in this movement, and even though we dont know where it will take us, I think it is worth the participation. If only to say we helped start this.

17 |

May 6th, 2003 at 10:25 am


Keep Scriptygoddess alive!
Oh my god. Did you read this post on Scriptygoddess? If you didn´t do it now, then come back! To…

18 | Ramblings of a Code Monkey

May 6th, 2003 at 12:00 pm


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So, it looks like things are going to be changing around quite a bit at ScriptyGoddess. I don't know if these changes are for the better, or for the worse, but that isn't really my place to say (I'd like…

19 | Big Pink Cookie

May 6th, 2003 at 12:14 pm


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As some of you may have already seen, changes are under way over at ScriptyGoddess. I think I scared Jennifer…

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