
28 Mar, 2003

pMachine Hacks Resource

Posted by: Lynda In: pMachine

Hey all! I know I haven't been around much, however most of my PHP hacking as of late has gone into pMachine and vBulletin, two programs which people don't seem to use a lot around here.

If you're interested in pMachine Hacks and help, I have developed a forum where you can track your installs, post requests and ask for help, etc.

Here's the link to the pMachine Hacks Resource Forum

3 Responses to "pMachine Hacks Resource"

1 | Christine

March 29th, 2003 at 1:02 am


I have to get in to playing with pMachine more, and I know several people that use it – I would *love* to see you share more pMachine hacks here! For that matter, I would love to see b2 hacks, and any other blog software too!

It would also be cool to see "this is how you do this in MT, this is how you do it in pMachine, this is how you do it in b2 …" Obviously, none of us know how to do them all – but if I post a "how to do it in MT" post, it's cool to see a counter post about it involving other blog software.

vBulletin would be really cool to know about too. I use phpBB, but I'm all about learning new things!

(I'm just super happy to see you here!!!)

2 | liz

March 31st, 2003 at 1:57 pm


I would love to see more pMachine goodies as well, since I recently 'made the switch'. I love MT but pMachine is also a fun blog-toy and I'm really enjoying it! :)

3 | Blog Development Project

April 5th, 2003 at 10:23 am


pMachine Hacks Resource
Kamu salah satu dari sekian banyak pengguna pMachine..? Seperti halnya b2 ataupun movabletype, pMachine-pun dicintai oleh penggunanya.

Klik link berikut untuk ikutan dalam forum hack dan addons pMachine

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