
29 Oct, 2002

Pardon our appearance…

Posted by: Jennifer In: Announcements

I'm about to implement a major redesign… I'm aiming to finish 95% of this tonight… but we'll see… I apologize in advance if things get really funky.

UPDATE Well I think I have to pack it up for tonight… I think I did get most of the design in place. I plan to add a "user-friendly" FAQ – which will explain the icons below (just mouseover them for now to see what they are, in case you don't know – yeah, I know, bad UI design… commonly referred to as "mystery meat" navigation… well there's a lot I put in here that followed more traditional "rules".. I had to break them SOMEWHERE!) 😉

In place of a FAQ – here's a quick rundown on what's here… This is a CSS-only layout. I've done away with the traditional "skins"… but you can customize the colors… (scroll down – on the right side bar – you can select one of the "presets" or enter in your own hex value)

I tried to keep this design as "simple" as possible. I've also tried to take into consideration some of the feedback I've gotten about the site over the past few months. For example – one complaint was the font size… you can now scale the font – using the font size menu in your browser…

The sidebar uses that "gadget" script… minimize boxes, move them up, etc.

I'm also using that "hotlist" script I had out as in beta testing last week. I'll be releasing that script in a few days. What a hotlist is; you can add posts (from this blog) to it… either because you want to reference it later, or because you want to "bookmark" it… Click on the "hot pepper" with the "+"… to remove a post from your list, click on the "hot pepper" with the "x".

The rest should be relatively self explanatory… let me know if you see anything that's broken…

'Nother update: Just tweaked the code a bit so you can change the font on this site only (ie. so you don't have to go and change it in your browser). Also fixed Amy's and Kristine's Tip jars so they actually work now. :)

Still on my list to be fixed:
-trackback pop up page
-send entry pop up page

(anything else??)

23 Responses to "Pardon our appearance…"

1 | Tudy

October 29th, 2002 at 10:01 pm


Things do look funky but I mean that in the nicest sense of the word. Back in the day Funky meant good. :-)

2 | Tudy

October 29th, 2002 at 10:03 pm


And the hotlist link thingy is really cool. Nice work there. Can't wait to see the finished product.

3 | Jennifer

October 29th, 2002 at 10:42 pm


Thanks :)

4 | kathi

October 29th, 2002 at 10:56 pm


Yikes!! What a visual surprise, I was here only a couple hours ago :) Nice!!

5 | Donna

October 30th, 2002 at 8:47 am


Nice work, Jenn! Just a small thing: I really miss the list of sidebar links to mini-scripts – I know that might be coming back, but I'm just putting in a vote in case you're wavering. :)

6 | Keith

October 30th, 2002 at 9:00 am


Ack! I was coming here to look for information on something, but I got so wrapped up in your design, I forgot my original intentions! I love this site! Both before and after your redesign. The content is incredibly helpful. Thanks so much!

7 | Jason

October 30th, 2002 at 9:36 am


Could you add some "alt" tags to those cute new icons at the bottom of every post? I can't figure out what they all mean without clicking on them.

8 | Alex

October 30th, 2002 at 9:58 am


This is a great site which I have used repeatedly. Y'all have done an amazing job. My only request is that you utilize page titles. I tend to bookmark your pages (though the Hotlist may take over…) and end up renaming the bookmark so I know what the content is down the road.

Thanks for building an amazing resource!

9 | Alex

October 30th, 2002 at 10:19 am


One more bit of feedback. :) I love the Hotlist, and having added a bunch of pages to it, noticed that they are a bit hard to read. It would be nice if the links were list items (as they are a list) or at the very least had a bullet in front of them (» or the like). This would prove extremely helpful. Though you probably know about it, there is agreat article on A List Apart which covers Taming Lists so they would display nicely in the sidebar box. Again, thank you for such a cool site!

10 | Jennifer

October 30th, 2002 at 10:53 am


Donna – I removed it because all it was a trimmed down version of the "scripts" category page… (it also meant more maintenance on a small section, that I couldn't really keep up with)

Jason – There are alt tags already on those images…(???)

Alex – Good idea… I'll do that when I get a second…

11 | Jason

October 30th, 2002 at 11:07 am


The alt tags show up as "tool tips" in IE but not Mozilla. :-(

12 | Jennifer

October 30th, 2002 at 12:00 pm


Is there another way I'm supposed to do them? (I'm also using the status bar as an explanation of what each is…- is that not working either?)

13 | Jennifer

October 30th, 2002 at 12:09 pm


(pardon me while I test something…)

14 | Shanni

October 30th, 2002 at 12:26 pm


Wow – everything looks great! I love this site…it's been SO helpful to me!

15 | Shanni

October 30th, 2002 at 12:28 pm


Wow – everything looks great! I love this site…it's been SO helpful to me!

16 | ste

October 30th, 2002 at 12:44 pm


I already said what a beautiful job you did on your homepage, Jenn, but I thought you deserve double points because this really is amazing. :) Awesome job!!

17 | Simply Sara

October 30th, 2002 at 1:04 pm


Very nice and clean Jennifer, great job! Don't forget the webrings. 😉 I like how you did away with the skins and now just have the colors, wonderful! Maybe you could post a tutorial or a link where you learned to do that?


18 | Donna

October 30th, 2002 at 2:41 pm


Thanks, Jennifer – I'll be sure to use the Scripts page :)

19 | Johanka

November 1st, 2002 at 4:22 pm


Wow to the new design! :-)
Just one thing – the background colour defaults to dark grey for me, I think you meant it to be white. It's no good assuming everyone has the white set as browser's default. 😉

20 | Jennifer

November 1st, 2002 at 7:11 pm


Added a body – background-color:white style…
Let me know if you're still seeing a problem

21 | Alex Jones

October 30th, 2002 at 10:27 am


One of the most useful resources on the Web for both the novice and experienced Web Designer/Developer is Scriptygoddess. I've

22 | Neurotic Fishbowl

October 30th, 2002 at 6:35 pm


A New Look for Scripty Goddess
Scripty Goddess received an all-new look totally done in CSS by Jenn and it looks awesome! She implemented all kinds

23 | Big Pink Cookie

October 31st, 2002 at 6:42 pm


A Day Late…
It's a day late thanks to Naomi coming over to visit last night, but I had to point you all

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