
16 Sep, 2002

Form Validation Call for help

Posted by: Jennifer In: Scripts

My scriptygoddess crown to the first person that can give me the PHP code to validate a form field so that no special characters are allowed…

(well, okay it's not really a crown; more like a plastic tiara… how about lots of plugs here, and the good feeling that you've helped out a friend in need?) 😀

UPDATE: Nevermind! I got it! (YAY! I get to keep my tiara!!) ;-P
(Update again: Actually, Amy saw my function and raised it… her's is better/quicker/easier, etc.)
Amy is the grand champion Tiara holder!! 😉

Here's a php function that will return true if the character is alphanumeric, and false if it's anything else:

Here's mine (Amy's is better though…)
function noSpecialChars($string) {
$validate = true;
for ($i=0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) { if (!ereg("[a-zA-Z0-9]", $string{$i})) { $validate = false; } } return $validate; }

(so simple… yet, I will never admit to how many hours it took me to figure that damn thing out!!!)

Of course, what this function is doing is checking every single character… probably a bit of "server overhead" so if you have a simpler option… I'm all ears… well, eyes. 😉

Here's Amy's:

function is_alphanumeric($test) {
return (preg_match("/^[a-z0-9 ]+$/i", $test));

10 Responses to "Form Validation Call for help"

1 | kristine

September 16th, 2002 at 11:15 pm


(I'm not sure if this is helpful or not, but here's what google found me!)
form validation

2 | kristine

September 16th, 2002 at 11:17 pm


Oh, and maybe something to do with htmlspecialchars() ? – htmlspecialchars

3 | Jennifer

September 16th, 2002 at 11:18 pm


Yeah, I saw that… and what he has there will validate that the string contains at least 1 alpha numeric character… but it could be mixed with special characters… I want to have it reject any and all special characters…

4 | Jennifer

September 16th, 2002 at 11:22 pm


htmlscpecialchars() will translate special charcaters…

It's probalby going to be some form of this function:
ereg() but the question is what do I put in there to deny all special characters…

5 | Amy

September 17th, 2002 at 10:02 am


Oooh! Something I can help with!

function is_alphanumeric($test) {
return (preg_match("/^[a-z0-9 ]+$/i", $test));

Run it like this:

if ( !is_alphanumeric($submitted_variable) ) {
  # fire error stuff

6 | jennifer

September 17th, 2002 at 10:14 am


Ok, when I tried those types of functions… it seemed to not catch it when it was a special character in the MIDDLE of alphanumeric characters.. it would only catch if it began or ended with a special character:
3%2 would be acceptable
%32 would not be
32% would not be…

That's why I got into the whole check every character thing…

7 | Jennifer

September 17th, 2002 at 10:20 am


nope… my mistake. Yours works. Okay, you win the tiara! 😉

But you have to explain to me why it works…

the difference between what you were doing with the preg_match, and what I was doing… is the last part… the "+$/i"… I had been using "+$/s" (which didn't catch special charcters in the middle)

Can you tell me whats going on there? What does the "i" or "s" mean?

8 | Amy

September 17th, 2002 at 10:53 am


I'd hang on to the tiara, Jenn. I didn't write the function – many, many months ago I handed my first effort at it to Gareth, who patted me on the head and sent me back what you see here.

I pinged him and asked for an explanation that's readable in English, and here's his response:

"The $ matches the end of the line. The i is a flag meaning 'case insensitive match.' Likewise, the ^ at the beginning matches the beginning of the line. It won't match (allow) any strings that contain spaces or whatever at the beginning/end.

"One could argue that you could use /^\w+$/ instead, but then it'd match (allow) the underscore character as well."

Personally, I hate regexes. They drive me insane on a regular basis. I bribe Gareth with Reese's Pieces (which are hard to get and expensive in Britain) to get help for regex issues like this. :)

9 | Jennifer

September 17th, 2002 at 11:08 am


I still don't get it…
Why would case have anything to do with it…
the only difference is that "i" vs. "s"

with "s"
3#3 is allowed

with "i"
3#3 is not

…duh… I'm so lost.
I'll send you some Reese's Pieces to give to your friend… :) (Does he like Tiaras? LOL!)

10 | casey

December 8th, 2002 at 9:14 pm


I've been trying to figure this out forever too, and its really annoying, but here's a function that seems to work perfectly, I got it from the user comments at

if (ereg('^[[:alnum:]]+$', $data)) {
echo '$data contains only letters and/or numbers';
} else {
echo '$data contains characters other than letters and /or numbers.';

and if you want to add characters to allow, like an underscore for instance, add a pipe and the _ after the [:alnum:], like so:

if (ereg('^[[:alnum:]|_]+$', $data)) {
echo '$data contains only letters and/or numbers';
} else {
echo '$data contains characters other than letters and /or numbers.';

hope that helps

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