
19 Jun, 2002

MT tutorials and code

Posted by: kristine In: How to's

After several requests for tutorials on the MT boards, I've put together some tutorials and codes for Movable Type on a few different topics. These could be modified to fit other blogging software or just normal page designs as well.

The first is a 3 column layout. It is all css, based on the default MT stylesheet and my own version of the bluerobot technique for flanking sidebars.

The second is a Photoblog layout. Its also all css, and has a more indepth tutorial on how to use this format for SUPER-easy posting of your images. The design is also based on the default MT stylesheet, with similar tweaks that my own personal photoblog uses. A photoblog in MT is an ideal place to try out the Next/Previous Category hack from this site!!

I hope these help somebody! :)

10 Responses to "MT tutorials and code"

1 | Carla

June 19th, 2002 at 12:38 pm


This is extremely helpful! Thanks!

2 | lavonne

June 19th, 2002 at 3:18 pm


Great! I'm looking forward to digging in and learning more. What a wonderful service all of you are providing–thank you!

3 | zalary

June 19th, 2002 at 9:50 pm


heehee, i've been working on some mt stylesheets too – and one i made was of the 2 column blue robot one.

we're always on the same wavelength! :)

4 | vagabond

June 20th, 2002 at 1:12 pm


Thank you for the link to the 3 column layout taken changed up alittle and installed. One of these days I hope to be able to understand all of this enough to send in something. :)

5 | Jenna

July 1st, 2002 at 2:56 pm


mmkay.. I'm using the Photoblog template you suggested.. but when I rebuild the files, it adds a < or <p> or > tag to the < or <moretextlink> or >. Any ideas on how to change this? (I hope I'm explaining myself effectively.)

6 | Jenna

July 1st, 2002 at 2:56 pm


haha. sorry about that crazy post.. i wasn't paying attention to the tags. sooowwy.

7 | kristine

July 1st, 2002 at 3:06 pm


Sorry, you are right – I need to add this to the tutorial – turn off the convert line breaks on the posts (you can make that a default by visiting the blog config). This will make your images show up instead of giving them <p></p> tags around the img src!
Hope this helps!

8 | Tina

August 14th, 2002 at 9:54 am


I love this! *mwah*! :)

9 | Joshua Ferguson

February 19th, 2003 at 3:21 am


I love the way this looks, at one point I'll figure out how to make it look the way I want it to. lol

10 | Joshua Ferguson

February 19th, 2003 at 5:10 pm


Is it possible to make the category wrap under the picture? I'm using the photoblog template without the title and only the category under each picture but I have some long categories that cause the pics to move over. Can I wordwrap these somehow to stay under the picture?

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