
06 May, 2002


Posted by: kristine In: How to's

David Gagne has a great new tutorial up on his codes page for showing people how he does the icons on each of his posts. Its a great use for an MT Module, and really makes me think I could loose the clutter in my main index template by changing it over to something like this!

In case you haven't met up with the brilliant brain of dvg yet, he's the guy who created the tutorial for "email this" below each of our posts!

5 Responses to "blogdata"

1 | Promo

May 6th, 2002 at 10:00 am


You should have a sidebar-miniblog where requests for scripts could be posted. LOL, like the one I am about to make….

1) Isn't there some way we can make our own "Blogrolling" application? I would think with php and mySQL, this should be do-able (if one knew how to code such things, which I do not)

2) Is there any mod out there to allow me to sort the MT notification list in various ways? (alpha, by date, by domain, etc?)

Sorry to post as a comment, but until you add a Forum, I wasn't sure who to send this to!


2 | Jennifer

May 6th, 2002 at 10:34 am


Promo – Not sure what you're asking for…? Could you be more specific?

(Sorry Kristine – this doesn't relate to your post much. LOL!) 😀

3 | kristine

May 6th, 2002 at 10:58 am


Promo – since I haven't done any blogrolling yet, I'm not sure *exactly* what you are asking for. But here's how I keep up with my sidebar of reads (which I think is what blogrolling is based on) – I have a file that's just the list of links. No headers, just a long list with thing that look like this:

<a href="" target="_blank">zalary</a><br>

I have that saved as reads.html in my directory, and then include that in my sidebar with some php:

<?php include("/home/USERNAME/public_html/reads.html"); ?>

Then, I just change that one file when I find new reads… and it automatically updates it in all the places that I keep a copy of the list :)

as for your #2 question, there isn't a way that I know to change how your notify list displays. With MT2.0, it changed so it was sorted alphabetically instead of the random order that didn't really have order! Probably could add a request on the MT forums "request feature" forum :)

4 | Promo

May 8th, 2002 at 2:09 pm


Thanks for the tips! I just have so many name in my mailing list I almost can't manage it.

Thanks again!

5 | steph

July 21st, 2002 at 5:04 pm


Promo, I only have one address in my MT notify list… the address for my regular one-way notify list that I run on my server (or one could do it via yahoogroups,, whatever). This really simplifies things: people can sub and unsub themselves, etc., and it's much easier to sort through all of the names and such.

When I set up MT's notify list, I didn't have to put in the email address of a bunch of people, just that server notify list's posting address.

Plus, if I want to send out an email that doesn't announce a new post, I can just send a regular email to the mailing list like normal.

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