
01 Dec, 2002

Free Fonts

Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks

You know you got 'em – so cough 'em up. What do you have bookmarked for free/shareware font sites? (no, this isn't "script related", but since I make the rules, I can break them) 😉

Abstract Fonts [found via a stolen moment]
1001 Free fonts
Larabie fonts
Font Freak

(Warning: some of these font sites love pop up ads… surf at your own annoyance)

Many of those have the same fonts… would love any links you have to more "original" fonts…

24 Responses to "Free Fonts"

3 | Kymberlie R. McGuire

December 1st, 2002 at 5:38 pm


DaFonts – I found some good fonts while surfing around here

4 | Sine

December 1st, 2002 at 5:39 pm


It only has about four pages, but the fonts are great!

5 | Jennifer

December 1st, 2002 at 5:45 pm


Here's a few more:

Fontalicious [thanks to Graphic Goo – theres a few more there too]
Font Diner

7 | Su(zi)e

December 1st, 2002 at 6:08 pm


dave bastian — a very few, very nice fonts.
pixel fonts are very little.

8 | heather

December 1st, 2002 at 6:34 pm


actually, i'm glad you mentioned this……i've never been much on downloading fonts (word perfect has tons that i like) but every once in a while i see one i like and when i download it……i dunno, it just doesn't show up. where should i save them to when i download them?

9 | -e-

December 1st, 2002 at 8:19 pm


Well, it's not much to look at, and nowhere near ready, but you can access several thousand fonts at my site (be kind, I'm closed for remodeling.)

10 | Jennifer

December 1st, 2002 at 8:31 pm


Heather – I recommend using Adobe Type Manager to install/manage fonts. If you can't get that software, this tutorial on has instructions on how to install fonts manually. I also found some other (similar) instructions on other sites (in case that doesn't work) – but you do need to actually install them to get them to show up. HTH

12 | Gina

December 1st, 2002 at 10:11 pm


Ooops. I posted the wrong one, saw that you had 1001 already. This is the one I wanted to post.

Blambot from over at Screaming Fonts

13 | nancyann

December 1st, 2002 at 11:45 pm


Everyone else submitted most of what I had bookmarked! 😉 Good choices!


15 | Donna

December 2nd, 2002 at 9:45 pm


Free Handwriting Fonts and there's another Danish site with great hand drawn icons and handwriting fonts – I can't find it in my bookmarks!
Whew! Here it is.

16 | Johanka

December 3rd, 2002 at 12:07 pm


P22 Type Foundry, I know they are not free, but the collection made after the handwriting of famous artists is worth paying for. P22 Cézanne is my absolute favourite so far. :-)

17 | laura

December 3rd, 2002 at 3:04 pm


apostrophic lab has a lot of fonts not found anywhere else. just click "grab" when you get to the site and start clicking down the list. i guarantee they'll have something you've never seen before.

18 | Jen

December 3rd, 2002 at 3:20 pm


I like Font Magic, Nick's Fonts and PizzaDude. I'm going to bookmark everyone else's suggestions, too!

19 | laura

December 3rd, 2002 at 3:35 pm


this guy has some different stuff, if you can get past the design and the french! his erotic fonts are pretty funny. graham meade's stuff can be found at gemfonts. extreme fonts is a good repository for all the familiar fonts.

i wish i was on my home computer – that's where i have all my secret font sites 😉 although apostrophic is pretty secret and i gave that one up.

20 | laura

December 4th, 2002 at 12:21 am


ok, i am purging my whole list here:

iconian fonts
fonts & things
font pool
the dingbat pages
fresh fonts
sassy fonts

that's it. all my font secrets. enjoy.

21 | kristine

December 4th, 2002 at 5:10 pm


Coincidently, I spent yesterday and this morning finishing up my font directory :) Kristine's Font Organization – there's some links on the sidebar that haven't been mentioned yet! :)

23 | Amy

December 17th, 2002 at 11:19 am


Can't believe I'm admitting my insanity, but the guy at dividebyzero does some of the cutest, most original dingbats (tombats) I've ever seen. I mean, we're talking baby-kissing, cat-cuddling, couples-smooching-in-the-park cute dingbat fonts.

…and the fact that I'm willing to say such a thing about a font indicates to me that I am beyond help. If anyone needs me, I'll be in the mental ward…

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